Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Being a girl, one of our plagues is our mind. Constantly thinking things to death, analyzing things into the ground. Sometimes we just need to be still and rest - not think so much, but just rest in the Lord's presence, that is constantly with us. Stop trying to bear a burden that isn't ours. In that, as we become increasingly aware of His presence giving us rest, it easier to discern the way we should go.

We are not supposed to figure out the future or find the key to unlock it. It's also probably nothing like we think it is going to be anyways. But by resting and dwelling in His presence and staying in communication with him - when we actually arrive at a choice point, He will show us the direction to go. He will give us clarity in the form of Him.

That being said, my prayer is that I focus on today- the here and now. NOT be complacent in my well-worn paths of routine but vibrant, alive and joyful following the most creative being imaginable, my Lord.

Happy Tuesday!

Wearing boots today, and the weather is actually appropriate. High five to that!