With my new job (which I absolutely love!) I have been working crazy different hours and traveling sometimes states within a day. This fits my little adventure hungry heart. No day is the same for me. It's definitely keeping things interesting. I'm being stretched and learning so much. Good laughs along the way. However, let me tell ya - at times it can wear a girl out. I have mastered twenty-minute power naps whenever the time presents itself. Four AM and and Six PM have become some of my most favorite of hours, the stillness, so peaceful. Four AM I'm propped up big coffee in hand praying, jotting, reading, in the quiet I hear so much. Six PM, you better believe I'm on a porch of some sort or outside somewhere welcoming this beautiful and long awaited fall into my arms (did I mention, we are about to enter my most favorite times of the year).
This morning, another early one, the sweet Father just blew me away with something, something small suddenly became huge, don't ya love it when that happens. I was praying about the day and my job and just asking Him to help me see the Kingdom even in the smallest of things, to see Him in my work. The people. The verse came to my mind from my devotion by Jon Courson (whom might I add, is legit), "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord, and not for men." (Col 3:23) This verse hit me in a completely different way today. He knows we work everyday, it's something we have done from the beginning in the Garden and still are, whatever that may be. Then, a flood of things just started coming to my mind. In the Word, the Lord reveals Himself so often in the normal day. For instance, take Saul traveling on the road to Damascus on a normal "work" day, going there by orders from the high priest, Jesus appeared to him on the road and changed Saul's life as he knew it. I think it very interesting that Jesus appeared to him on a road -- in transit, moving, not sitting still, walking. Andrew and Peter, just fishing a way on a normal "mundane" day, when Jesus asked them to be fishers of men, and they dropped their nets, and life changed in an instance for them. Moses, tending sheep, then boom God appears to him in a burning bush. Elisa, was plowing -- I mean that is hot, hard, not fun, and monotonous -- and it was then Elijah revealed his call to ministry.
God meet this average people in an average day for them. On their own "road" per se, performing the tasks they were supposed to do. It was in the mundane, that He revealed himself. I so often think I am going to "miss it". What is that exactly? I don't know, just it. I feel like I am going to miss a certain road or way, or opportunity, or whatever it may be. But the Lord does not just appear to us in this glorious occasion that is like beaming with light and angels singing the hallelujah chorus. He does not need for us to make an environment for Him to enter in. Sometimes we think, "Oh I need to read and pray and go to this or that conference to meet with the Lord,' and I feel so often we can miss Him in the mundane. He can meet us and reveal Himself to us at any given time, in any given way. When we let Him completely have our mundane days, the day shifts to something sort of miraculous. Perspective changes and every little thing just seems to be weaving into this giant masterpiece that you have no idea what the finished product is or looks like, but you're just delighted to be a part that day. Its humbling and joyous all at the same time.
But we say sometimes - Oh, my life is too chaotic for me to really hear from/see the Lord right now, too messy, too busy, too monotonous, too boring, too chaotic. Well, how messy and chaotic was the manger? He was born into chaos. He transformed the chaos into a glorious moment. A moment that changed every single one of our lives.
He makes messy things beautiful. He makes messy glorious.
He makes mundane miraculous.
{Look for Him in your road}
Thank you Lord, that you meet us every single day, and are available for us every moment.