Wednesday, October 17, 2012

love, it's a powerful thing. it is.

This morning I had to leave super duper early, even before the sun to make it to Georgia for work. I secretly love these times because everything is so unbelievably quiet and still. So therefore, I had a full day by 10AM. I was so humbled and felt so blessed when I got out of the hospital to all the messages I had received from my sweet and treasured friends for my birthday. Just felt so overwhelmed in a sweet sweet way by their love. Thankfulness overflowed my heart.

Then, when I was driving back to Alabama I passed this man standing on the side of the road, trying to get a ride, with just a small bag, not much with him. I started thinking... I have this cellphone that people have called this morning to tell me they love me and I have a car to take me to those friends and am so blessed to be around them often -- but here this guy stood, with no one and not much of anything. Tears started rolling down my face. It truly broke my heart. As loved as I feel, so many people feel so alone.

We have no idea what the power of love does in someone. I know many times how it has completely changed me. Let us be on the look out for the ones that may feel unloved today - even a simple smile or wave. Love is an incredibly powerful thing.

 Let people know us by our love.

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